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Logos Missions Creed

  1. The Logos Missions believes in Jesus Christ as the Savior and that he is one of the Holy Trinity as the only begotten of the Father. (John 1:1-3)

  2. The Logos Missions believes the Apostles' Creed as our confession and truly believes the Holy Bible as the inerrant word of God. (2 Timothy 3:16)

  3. The Logos Missions believes that Westminster's confession of faith is our confession and that there is one true, almighty, eternal God: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, who are one.

  4. The Logos Mission believes that the command of Jesus Christ is to love God and companionship with Christians and exhaust the most immeasurable effort into sharing ministry.( Matthew 22:37-39, 2 Corinthians 8: 14, Galatians 6:2)

로고스선교회 신조

  1. 로고스선교회는예수그리스도를구주로믿으며하나님의독생자로삼위가운데위임을믿는다.(1:1-3)

  2. 로고스선교회는 전통적인사도신경을우리의고백으로하며, 성경은절대무오의하나님의말씀으로믿는다.(딤후 3:16)

  3. 로고스선교회는  웨스트민스터의신앙고백을우리의고백으로하며, 하나님은오직분이심을믿는다.

  4. 로고스선교회는  위로하나님을사랑함과성도들의교제와나눔사역을위해최선을다함이그리스도의명령임을믿는다.(마태 22:37-39, 고후 8: 14, 6:2)